Plumas Bank

Business Contact Info:

Kelley Cheney is Senior Vice President and SBA Business Development Officer at Plumas Bancorp, a full-service community bank headquartered in Reno, CA with assets in excess of $2.0 Billion. Previously Kelley worked as Assistant Vice President in the SBA Division at Umpqua Bank. During his 15-year tenure at Plumas, he has provided over $200 million in SBA funding for small businesses throughout CA, OR, WA, NV and AZ.

In 2006, Kelley graduated from Sacramento State University with bachelor’s in finance with double concentration in Risk Management and Insurance. In 2010 he received an MBA from University of Phoenix, and in 2014 obtained a Master of Science in Finance from Northeastern University. He is also a graduate of the Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy (2014).

Industries of focus include: Grocery stores, gas stations liquor stores, accounting practices, auto repair facilities, smog shops, restaurants, and many other retail and service based industries.