
Nolan Baum

Services Offered
Our Sellers come to us to help them achieve the highest and best possible price for your business while taking the least amount of time from you and your company. We know that your time is more valuable when invested in continuing to run your company.

Nolan Baum is an Accredited Senior Business Broker (only 17 brokers in the world have this designation) and a Certified Business Intermediary through the International Business Brokers Association (less than 8% of business brokers in the US have this top designation), ensuring that all B3’s strategies and practices are world class. Having started and built many companies for himself and others, Nolan understands the blood, sweat, and years that it takes to build a successful organization. B3 Business Brokers takes the stress off your shoulders in buying and selling a business. We have the tools, teams, and resources to properly valuate the business and bring buyers and sellers together.