How did you get into the business brokerage industry?
I have always had an entrepreneur mindset; starting out my career I knew I did not want the typical 9-5 desk job. In 2014 I became a licensed Real Estate Agent and sold residential real estate in Maricopa County for 3 years until I reached out to Matt Uhler at WCI Brokers in 2016 inquiring about purchasing a business. Long story short, I was very intrigued by the whole brokerage system and soon after thinking I wanted to become a business owner, I was starting down a new path of becoming a business broker. Matt agreed to mentor me and took me under his wing helping grow me into the Broker I am today.
What is your favorite thing about the industry?
My favorite thing about the industry is the fluidity of the day to day; you never know what the new day brings and it always keeps you on your toes for better or worse!
What is the best or more interesting deal you have worked on?
A deal that impacted me greatly was a commercial/residential garage door business. This deal was one of my first largest business transactions that included the real estate and it helped build my confidence as a broker. I really enjoyed working with the sellers and felt I grew into a stronger broker through the deal.
What is the key to being a successful broker?
I believe the key to being a successful broker is connecting to people, truly understanding the emotional side behind the deal. When you build mutual trust among the involved parties you are much better situated for a successful transaction with open communication, honesty, and trust.
What is the strangest experience you have had while showing a listing?
One of the strangest experiences I have had as a broker was a deal I was working on in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A very large business that I had a qualified prospective buyer for. The seller was very strange, he invited me and the buyer to New Mexico to tour his business however we he ended up “wining and dining” us for two days. We stayed in the nicest hotel in the area, ate at the fanciest restaurants and toured some tourist attractions but wouldn’t provide the material we were all looking for which included Tax Returns, P&Ls, etc. We ended up going home after a nice weekend of exploring and never heard from the Seller again.
What do you do on your days off?
I believe work life balance is very important in maintaining a successful career and healthy mindset. I love to travel with my family on my days off. My wife and I are avid scuba divers and can’t wait to travel and dive again when our girls a little older (We have a 2.5 year old and 8 month old). We also enjoy boating and plan to spend some time out at Lake Powell this summer. I also like dirt biking and traveling with friends on dirt bike trips. I spend most of my time off outdoors exploring.