What Should You Look For in a Partnership Agreement?

Partnership agreements are a vital part of any business partnership. They outline each partner’s expectations and responsibilities and can help prevent disputes down the road. When creating a partnership agreement, there are certain things that you should always include. In this blog post, we will discuss what those things are!

1. The Roles of Each Partner

One of the most important aspects of a partnership agreement is outlining the roles of each partner. This will ensure that everyone knows what their responsibilities are and can help to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding down the road.

2. The Percentage of Ownership for Each Partner

Another important aspect of a partnership agreement is specifying the percentage of ownership for each partner. This will ensure that everyone knows their financial stake in the business and can help to avoid any disputes about equity down the road.

3. The Decision-Making Process

A third important aspect of a partnership agreement is outlining how decisions will be made. This will ensure that everyone knows who has the final say in decisions and can help to avoid any arguments about who gets to make what decisions.

4. The Dispute Resolution Process

A fourth important aspect of a partnership agreement is outlining how disputes will be resolved. This will ensure that everyone knows how to handle disagreements and can help to prevent any major arguments or legal problems down the road.

5. The Exit Strategy

Finally, it is always a good idea to include an exit strategy in your partnership agreement. This will ensure that everyone knows what will happen if one of the partners wants to leave the business and can help to avoid any disputes about who gets what when the business ends.

By including these five things in your partnership agreement, you can help to ensure that your business partnership runs smoothly and avoid any major disputes down the road.